Monday, September 12, 2011

SWEET BLOG: "Volunteer, Phishheads" Flood Relief Opportunities If You Are Just Kickin' It In VT Until Essex

Got linked to this sweet blog today. I assume the comments are still blowing up. Peeps seem pretty sensitive. I'll leave it to others to editorialize about the tone of said blog, but here's an excerpt with some useful links that could use more exposure either way...

sweet phish blog

"Not sure what you can do? Phair enough. Here are some ideas:
— You could phill your camper van with personal hygiene products, phirst aid items, cleaning and school supplies and food and take it to South Royalton. For a full list of this community's needs, click here.
— How about taking down some walls and pulling up some flooring for the Kadrik family in Waterbury?
— Perhaps you could help muck out the Hancock Town Hall basement.
— Maybe you could help phix the phence at Turner Farm on Route 100 in the Mad River Valley.
There are many more projects that you could help with. Your best bet to phind volunteer opportunities is VTResponse. If you are willing and able, they will gladly set you up with something to do. Not able to swing a hammer, carry a bucket or throw things in a dumpster? Consider writing a check the American Red Cross of Vermont and the New Hampshire Valley, the United Way of Chittenden County, the Vermont Foodbank or any number of towns accepting financial donations. Remember to earmark your contribution for flood relief."

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