Saturday, September 3, 2011

PAGE DOWN: Denver Phish Dicks 2



Page McConnell of Phish at the keyboards on stage at Dick's Sporting Goods Park in Commerce City, CO on September 3, 2011


You my boy, Page!

The Phish
Dick's Sporting Goods Park
Commerce City, Colorado - September 3, 2011
Show Time: 7:30 pm [MST]

Soundboard available from Live Phish
Soundcheck: On Broadway Jam, Close To You (w/ Crew shout outs), Brown Eyed Girl

Set One: 8:16 pm - 9:42 pm

The Moma Dance
The Wedge
The Divided Sky
Funky B*tch
Axilla >
Fast Enough For You
Wolfman's Brother

Set Two: 10:17 pm

Down With Disease >
Tweezer ->
Golden Age >
Limb By Limb
Kill Devil Falls >
Also Sprach Zarthustra >
Light >
Julius >
Cavern >
Run Like An Antelope

Encore: 11:51 pm

Sleeping Monkey >
Tweezer Reprise

*w/ Streets Of Cairo tease - Brady Bunch tease before Disease - Down with Disease tease in Light & Antelope

Bring-down PSA kickdown via heyreverb:
Sidenote: A 27-year-old Georgia man was found dead in the Dick’s campsite Sunday morning, slumped in a chair. While police haven’t determined a cause of death, it’s very likely a drug overdose. Police combed the campsite all day Sunday searching for a name of the man or anyone who knew him. With Phish’s bandleader Trey Anastasio now a 12-stepper and vocal cheerleader for the national Drug Court system, it seems only a matter of time before he steps up to the mic to address the rampant and escalating drug abuse at his shows. Just like any concert, the drugs range from doobies to dangerous and I’ll bet the kid who died was dabbling in opiates, which seem to be making a resurgence on the Phish scene, with hairy, dazed dudes peddling Oxycontin pills in the parking lot. It’s a shame that such a tremendous stand was marred with a death, but hopefully it can jolt some awareness into the parking lot kids who so rabidly pursue ridiculous levels of inebriation. Hopefully, but not likely.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting that Gillian Welch video! Dick's night 3 was serious business, by the way.
